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too much of doing the same thing over and over(i guess that's realistic, but gameplay wise it's very tedious). scare rarely happens and they're also kinda just there idk, they dont seem out of place from the hotel if you're trying to do the glitching ghost stuff.


As someone who's played through the game countless times for playtesting and troubleshooting purposes, I totally understand the feeling of tedium! Also the frequency of the scares is all down to RNG, meaning some runs you get more scares than others. 

There is a lot more I wanted to do during development to make the experience feel a bit more varied, that I just didn't have time to due to the short development window - I'll probably talk more about this in the post-mortem devlog I eventually plan on doing.

Thanks for playing! :)


Nice game! Easy to play because the objectives are clear and tense when anomalies appear. Looking forward to your next project... :)


Your game starts at 00:49. This is fantastic work! The premise was great as it made sense for us to be in a haunted hotel. The distorted look of everything complimented the eeriness of the glitches and entity and the timing of their appearance was well placed. Being able to see it through walls and walking up to it forcing it glitch away built tension and gave the feeling the player character had delt with all this previously. The only bug we had was us moving when no controls were being used. Having our vision "cracked" when we didn't get out of a room when warned was brilliant as it raised the stakes. We started theorizing what the greater lore this world was because this is a interesting setting. Looking forward to your next project be it something new or a continuation of this! 

Those ghosts are very rude. Good job on your first game. Keep up the good work

Nice very good game but there bit problem when am not move the game move the player character automatic like am not touching my keyboard idk it's meant to happen anyway well done keep it up!